Línea BioDesign Forma Natural

Natural Shape


  • Round base
  • Tear drop profile


  • Naturally enlarged and corrected breasts
  • For reconstruction after mastectomy surgery

Available on surfaces:

  • Pure Polyurethane
  • True Texture

BioDesign Line

The BioDesign line has an innovative concept and offers the plastic surgeon the possibility of choosing the silicone implant according to the biotype of the patient. It takes into account the measurements of the breasts to define the basic measurement of the prosthesis.

Silimed Breast Implants BioDesign Line Maximum Shape



Studies indicate that the type of implant surface can directly influence the outcome of the procedure. Silimed offers two surface
options for breast implants:

Silimed Breast Implants POLYURETHANE Surface


  • Low rate of capsular contracture of 1% in 10 years.¹
  • The 3D collagen matrix formed interwoven within the polyurethane foam causes a Velcro-like adhesion.²
  • Its adhesion ability reduces the risk of rotation and displacement.²
Silimed Breast Implants True Texture Surface


  • Own texturing method with formation of open pores in the shell, without using negative printing, sugar or sodium chloride.
  • Low risk rate of capsular contracture of 8,7% in 9 years.³ Other manufacturers report rates of up to 17% over 10 years in primary breast augmentation surgery.⁴

Filling Gel

Soft enough to simulate the feeling of the natural breast tissue, and firm enough to maintain the shape of the implant. The implants of the BioDesign line have the HSC + gel that shapes the body and maintains the natural appearance.

  • High Performance Cohesive Gel.
  • Degree of penetration: more consistent.
    (The lower the degree measured, the greater the consistency of the gel)
  • Higher index of integration of the gel with the shell.⁵
  • Maximum gel elasticity index.⁵
  • Greater format stability.⁵
Silimed Breast Implantas Cohesive Gel